As a fellow comedian said to me, many years ago: “the best thing about the Fringe is that even if you have a shit day, you always know that tomorrow will bring you a brand new audience”.
So I started the day with a final appearance at ‘AComedyTapas’. This audience made last night’s one seem huge! Still, one person or 100 people, that’s an audience, so the show must go on!
I managed to make all five people in the audience laugh – that’s all that matters, right? This was the final guest spot that I have booked for this year – I’ve resisted the urge to book more things – as I’d like to enjoy the final two days of the run!
Flyering did feel like a bit of a chore again tonight but people were still heading down the Close (having the sign outside helps so much). I went down to set up around 18.20 and could see a lot of people there.
I was given a random one card tarot reading by a guy outside. I picked out a card that apparently meant that I would be “quids in” today. Well, I guess I can live in hope!
When I returned to my room at 18.30, the place was rammed! We had to drag in a couple of extra seats!
And the audience? Bloody fantastic! Laughed all the way through, at the right bits and most definitely at the “wrong” bits!
Nice to see a couple of familiar faces in the room too (especially when I could see them both laughing throughout).
It’s crazy to think that I now only have two shows left to perform. That’s means 20-down! These past three weeks have sailed by! I’m now both sad and happy that the end is nigh…
Bursting with pride (mum) even I know you get your inspiration from our crazy family. Love you son x